Sorea Regia **** v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoSorea Regia ****


žiadne informácie

🕗 otváracia doba

6, Kráľovské údolie, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/321 128 70
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Latitude: 48.1440968, Longitude: 17.0853794

komentári 5

  • en

    Milan Skokan



  • Jouni Riihimäki

    Jouni Riihimäki


    In general the hotel is located to quiet residual area few km away from the city. They advertise to be a 4-star hotel, but some maintenance would be needed to match that level. At minimum, they should have some more lights on the hallways. Now the overall impression is quite dark…. But during the stay pretty much all failed, and even worse the hotel didn’t had any interest to fix the failures. - We booked a double room, but got a twin room where two beds were pulled together and there was a gap between mattresses. Reception claimed they don't have any other room types. Instead he asked a cleaning lady to bring an extra blanket which we could stuck into the gap. The blanket was brought to us to the reception and we needed to carry it to room ourselves…. - Later on the evening we found out there was some party at the hotel, people were shouting on the hallways and banging the doors still way past midnight. And we heard music from the downstairs. I called to reception first time after 11pm, who replied he can't and won't do anything because "people will anyway stop within couple of hours"….. - After a sleepless night we went to breakfast around at 9am (breakfast served until 10am), when they had already run out of e.g. juices. I don't drink coffee, so all I get to drink was warm tap water… On the other hand, sausages and eggs looked that they have been out since 6am and were completely dry. The waitresses just said they have run out of juices, not even apologizing the matter nor trying to get some more….

  • klemen grabljevec

    klemen grabljevec


    Reasonable price and good location.

  • Ram Manohar

    Ram Manohar


    Not elderly or handicapped friendly. Staff incompetent in managing large groups. In fact there was only one fellow at reception. Inspite of giving full list of members with Name passport number and Visa numbers wanted to keep all the passport when refused insisted on scanning all 100 odd passports and visas. Wasted hours checking it. Air-conditioning did not work in two floors. Since temperature was high it was very stuffy as there were no fans and Windows could not be opened. Those who managed to open windows got lots of mosquitos. Breakfast very basic and service poor. This was on 31st July 2017. Hotel good for refugees. Not for a group of Doctors. Msy be the tour operator is to blame.

  • Marco Casamassima

    Marco Casamassima


    I was there for a business conference. The hotel is comfortable and conference room very spacious and well equipped. The launch was not very good considering this is a four stars hotel. Coffee is almost undrinkable

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