Marina Botel & Restaurant v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoMarina Botel & Restaurant



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Nábrežie armádneho generála Ludvíka Svobodu, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/546 418 04
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Latitude: 48.1396418, Longitude: 17.0968033

komentári 5

  • en

    Catherine Willis


    We stayed at the Botel Marina for the last couple of nights. The place was almost empty and I can now understand why. 1. The shower was cold. We left the shower running for at least 5 minutes and it didn't warm up. 2. Unlike the shower, the room was incredibly hot and the air conditioning didn't work. 3. The walls were very thin and we could hear the staff socialising outside. The staff frequented the outdoor areas intended for guests. 4. Breakfast didn't open until 8am.  5. The "supervisor" tried to scam us. We misplaced our room key (we suspect the supervisor took it) and the supervisor informed us we had to pay him €25 for a replacement key. He claimed there were no other keys even though we later established there were a draw full and it would only cost a couple of euro to get a copy cut.  We thoroughly enjoyed Bratislava but avoided the hotel during the day and only returned at night to sleep. The staff appear to live on board and I felt like we were uninvited guests in their home. The supervisor was constantly hovering around and acting in an intimidating manner.  There was another boat hotel a few hundred meters from the Botel Marina. If you want the boat hotel experience I recommend staying there instead.

  • en

    Dóra Fehér


    Me and my boyfriend spent a weekend there, and my birthday gift disappeared after the room cleaning. We went to the receptionist, who told us, she will look after it, but she couldn't really help us. We had to leave, but after we came home, I've tried to contact the botel several times, did they find my missing valuable (it was not lost, guess it was stolen), but they did not reply neither phone calls, nor emails... They should have at least say sorry, but they could give us a refund... But not just this "accident" happend: we both had stomachache after the soup we ate there, so we spent the night in the bathroom... The room was not clean and it was very cold. Okay, the view was amazing, and the most of the staff were friendly and helpful. But I do not recommend this place at all. The reason why I am writing here, is because maybe they will read my problem at least here and other people can think twice before they book a room there...

  • en

    shere ehes


    Nice hotel. .calm and very close to old town

  • en

    James Broadbent


    It's a lovely idea, putting s charismatic 100 year old Louisiana oil steamer on the Danube and making it s hotel. And it could be done really well. Unfortunately in my cabin, the TV didn't work, it smelled of cigarettes, the curtains didn't block any light or give me privacy and I didn't find the beds comfortable. Also, the river was in full flow,candidate at times the groaning from the boat sounded like the iron moorings were slipping. The staff are lovely, though and it is a unique experience. Very reasonably priced too, which is why there were no complaints from me.

  • en

    Misti Schroeter


    Fun place to stay for a couple nights. It doesn't have a/c and circulation isn't too great with the windows open. They do have fans but not for every room so request one if you get hot while sleeping. The fridge in the room is really small. Beds we're firm in our room. Clean but worn. No real close bus ot tram stop so it is a hike from the bridge to the entrance. Staff is friendly and either spoke English or German as a second language. There is also a party boat next door that was really loud way into the night on our Sat night.

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