Alza i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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🕗 åbningstider

6654/7, Bottova, 811 09, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/571 018 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1445646, Longitude: 17.1284731

kommentar 5

  • Katarina



    Easy to be found. Good public transfer. Lack of parking lot.

  • Jaroslav Kobzinek

    Jaroslav Kobzinek


    The best online shop. Inovative selling technology with wide products rage. Great shopping experience.

  • Tomáš Zvara

    Tomáš Zvara


    It must be okay when it's so overcrowded although, my personal experience is not that good. I had money I wanted to spend I had a truck and handy friends who could help me with moving and setting into production :) I wanted to buy telly, fridge and washing machine.. But I couldn't as I was told I can choose and they will deliver them to me. So I don't like that it's not possible to buy bigger electronics immediately.

  • Radu Alexandru Naghiu

    Radu Alexandru Naghiu


    Amazing place to shop. Order and pick up in 24-48h or have it delivered to citywide pick up locations. The choice of products is huge and prices are fair. Waiting times for pick ups are short, staff are friendly and most of the speak very good English. Definitely the place for online shopping in Bratislava.

  • en

    Simon Cajagi


    The prices aren't the lowest in the business but the service is sometimes worth it. The showroom has all the tech your heart desires, the delivery times are always Swift and precise and living in Bratislava it's great to have the option to pick it up yourself. I've also never had problems with replacing or returning items.

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