Aviation Museum i Košice Region

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietAviation Museum



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040 17 Košice-Barca, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 55/683 22 72
internet side: www.stm-ke.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.6682594, Longitude: 21.2355296

kommentar 5

  • Branko H.

    Branko H.


    My favourite museum in Košice. Free entry occurs on first Sunday each month. Superb place for families with children. You can visit museum of socialism in areal. Camera fee 1 Euro per camera.

  • Pavol Grohol

    Pavol Grohol



  • Magánpilóta - Private Pilot N. Zoltán

    Magánpilóta - Private Pilot N. Zoltán


    Good varierty of airplanes. well grouped by period, informative signs,, including engines. The Me-109 looks georgous. Acessible with a short 10 min walk from the terminal building

  • Philip Newton

    Philip Newton


    A place where you can get up close and personal to aircraft of various vintages, as well as learning something about the history of aviation and about the various instruments required. You can't sit in the planes or touch them but can stand right next to them and look at them closely. There is also a vintage car and motorcycle exhibition. It's about a ten-minute walk from the airport entrance if you come by plane or bus.

  • Julian Morris

    Julian Morris


    Really enjoyable experience, seeing old & new aircrafts. The fighter jets are really impressive. Too bad you aren't allowed to enter any of them.

nærmeste Museum

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