Avionský Parčík i Bratislava Region

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietAvionský Parčík


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811 07 Bratislava, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
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Latitude: 48.1512995, Longitude: 17.1184744

kommentar 5

  • Tomáš Zvara

    Tomáš Zvara


    Not everybody is aware about Papichulo pub under the park. Recommend to visit. Kinda of Hipster look, though. Mainly back room

  • Adam Nekola

    Adam Nekola


    Interesting little arborarium in between of traffic heavy streets where you can sit down and enjoy a quick bite while looking at evergreen trees all around, while in background you can see widely known building called Avion with fascinating architecture.

  • en

    yulia kazmina


    So cute:)

  • Matej Glatzner

    Matej Glatzner


    A nice place to chill out

  • Michal Sipocz

    Michal Sipocz


    Improved. What do you expect from a small park on a square in the center of a town. Before it used to be full of dirt and stench. Now it is not that bad.

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