Avra kehdabra i Bratislava - Staré Mesto

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SlovakietAvra kehdabra



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49, Grösslingová, 811 09, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Bratislava I, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 917 081 026
internet side: www.literarnacajovna.sk
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Latitude: 48.1449214, Longitude: 17.11954

kommentar 5

  • Fox Saiffer

    Fox Saiffer


    Definitely best tea house in Bratislava. Cosy, with atmospheric music (not laud) and calm feeling where you can talk with friends or read and also drink best quality tea (owner regularly travel to tea oriented destinations to check quality tea gardens and processing). But they also have great coffee (because of cooperation with coffee professional), (slovak) wine and bottled (awarded slovak) beer. Staff is nice and helpful. Interier is full of art and books. Really magical and calming place.

  • Tomáš Krúžek

    Tomáš Krúžek


    It is comfort place with silent atmosphere, great tea and very kind staff who cares about your convenience.

  • Carlos Buj

    Carlos Buj


    Not often you get to be served tea by a PhD on Jung!

  • Mali Boomkens

    Mali Boomkens


    In this cosy, peaceful tea room you feel there is so much room for inspiration to flow through beautiful art all around, book shelves full of insightful literature and poetry, and encounters with like-minded visitors. Its also a place where you could spend a whole afternoon just on your own with a computer (there is free wifi), while enjoying one out of many delicious teas that are on the menu. What I find really inspiring is that the owner really knows the producers of his teas personally, visiting them at their homes in South East Asia, building up trust and making fair agreements. Don't hesitate visiting Mayo's tea room in this vibrant, alternative neighboorhood of Bratislava!

  • Anna Elia

    Anna Elia


    Amazingly charming calm and inspirational tea shop. A corner in Bratislava to be in a homey place made with love.

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