Bebe hair - Twin City i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietBebe hair - Twin City



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Karadžičova, 821 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slowakei
kontakter telefon: +421 903 903 011
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.145123, Longitude: 17.124088

kommentar 5

  • sk

    Lenka Vargova


    Kadernik Viktor je profesionálny.... Chodi k nemu moj 11rocny syn ktoreho vzdy dokonale ostriha.

  • Natália Vajdová

    Natália Vajdová


    Super, spokojnosť. Nie je čo vytknúť. :-)

  • Brigitte Purcell

    Brigitte Purcell


    I sincerely do not understand how this salon has such good reviews. As I right this review I am sitting in another salon in Greece getting the damage done to my hair fixed. I went here to get a full head of highlights a few weeks ago. The male hairdresser - who has 12 years experience - did not do what I asked (a full head) he only did the crown. But it wasn't until I left the salon and washed my hair the following day did I see 90% of the highlights he did, leaked! My hair looked like tiger stripes. They were orange and embarrassing!!! He didn't say he messed up and make an effort to fix it. Instead, he parted my hair so I couldn't see, then sprayed it with hairspray so it didn't move! I asked him to complete the full head and he had finished the crown and said no. When I asked for a simple trim and said "no, thank you" to his crazy cut design he seemed to be offended and shocked. Not only that, but I was charged fo a full set of highlights- something else I didn't realise until I went home. This salon simply does not have the skill set to complete basic hair colouring. Of course, there was a language barrier. But I cannot fathom how someone with 12 years experience could screw up so badly. Thankfully - Icons Hair Design in Athens do have the skill set to get the job done. If I could post photos of this disaster I would! Please don't waste your time, money and precious hair on this place! It's really not worth it.

  • en

    Niko Jie


    Your hair likely to be destroyed the worst experience ever! Especially if you are traveler and they do not expect you to come back they won't care of hair.. that my perception!

  • Barbora Saf

    Barbora Saf


    Vlasy mi robila Adel, som 5* spokojná (nemalujem sa, nerobim si nechty atď.. .Adel moju požiadavku na vizáž pochopila)

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