Boataround i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Polus Tower I, Vajnorská 100/A, 831 04 Bratislava, Eslovaquia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/258 500 25
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1678855, Longitude: 17.1390633

kommentar 5

  • sebastian slusnik

    sebastian slusnik


  • Radovan Šurlák

    Radovan Šurlák


    Great experience with Boataround, helpful customer service and overall satisfaction, recommended :)

  • Amer Sinno

    Amer Sinno


    The team of Boataround has always been very kind with me and thousands of questions and requests. Once they understood my needs they worked a lot to help me and they found the best boat for my budget and timing. All the team is very nice to talk with and they are definately consumer oriented. Great experience. Best prices on the web. Perfect service. I would recommend them to anyone. Good job Boataround.

  • sk

    juraj boldis


  • Pavel Svitek

    Pavel Svitek


    This was our 1st sailing experience, but we loved it from day one! As we were newbies, we were a little afriad of the yacht booking, but everything worked out really well .. the guys at BoatAround were helpful through all the time and they even stayed in touch during the sailing trip. The service truly exceeded our expectations and it was definitely worth the money. We will definitely use BoatAround again.

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