Bratislava - Železná studienka i Bratislava

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietBratislava - Železná studienka


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831 01 Bratislava-Nové Mesto, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
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Latitude: 48.1744477, Longitude: 17.0727126

kommentar 5

  • maquara



    Great place, where to go with kids or friends for a walk or picnic. There some rest stops that sell food and beverages. There is a lot of equipment for kids to play. There is also a small lake with fishes and ducks. In sommer, it is possible to rent a small boat there. It is a very pleasent walk also with small children. Only problem is parking. There is a parking place but during the weekends it is always full. It is better to go there by bus.

  • hu

    Papp Marcell


    Nagyon szép, jól ki van építve, de sajnos csak a személyvonatok állnak meg, de hétvégén megállhatna a rex is.

  • Maroš Ševčík

    Maroš Ševčík


    Človek by až neveril, že to je v Ba. Praktické miesto na začiatok / koniec "turistického" výletu po lesoparku / Malých Karpatoch.

  • MineDanel 7953

    MineDanel 7953


    Small station with poor ticket expense, no ticket IDS BK or waiting room. Only Category Os trains stop here, not always. I always recommend checking the timetable.

  • DJ MacX

    DJ MacX


    Nice station! I saw two guy running over the train tracks, seemed like great fun. It was pretty scary at night, because I hered the dogs barking. Also saw a Japenese guy, he seemed pretty lost.

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