Bratislava Zoo i Karlova Ves

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SlovakietBratislava Zoo



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Mlynská dolina, 842 27, Karlova Ves, Karlova Ves, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/601 021 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1566636, Longitude: 17.0756783

kommentar 5

  • Milan Regec

    Milan Regec


    Its not like you have a choice in Bratislava, but I respect the great deal of work caretakers are doing everyday for the well being of the animals there. The place actually is developing, just ever so slowly.

  • Matej Melišík

    Matej Melišík


    This ZOO, isn't the best choice, when you are visiting Slovakia. The best ZOO in Slovakia is located in Bojnice, near city Prievidza. I've been in both many times and I think that in the capital can't offer that much. Cages are small, animals are looking unhappy. When you are visiting my homecountry, rent a car or use a train. I think that visiting another city, which is very beautiful is going to be worth for you. Slovakia isn't just capital ! 😉

  • Carl Damgaard

    Carl Damgaard


    The animals were sad, but the weather was nice. One of the monkeys had a masturbation-plaid, and that was funny. He looked happy at least.

  • Inna I

    Inna I


    Very nice place to spend an hour-hour and a half with children. There are white tigers, giraffes, zebras and lots of other small animals, reptiles and birds. I saw no elephants and no bears.

  • Radoslav Hanic

    Radoslav Hanic


    The ZOO Bratislava has definitely something to offer. The lion glass observations and chimpanzee house are worth a visit. You can find here also a lot of other animals, lizards, crocodiles, giraffes, other mammals and so on. If your kids get bored, you can visit the Dino park with big roaring statues of dinosaurs or the kid safe rope park in the zoo area.

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