Business Hotel ASTRUM Laus i Nitriansky kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietBusiness Hotel ASTRUM Laus



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5859/2A, P. O. Hviezdoslava, 934 01, Levice, Nitriansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 36/396 31 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.220211, Longitude: 18.605593

kommentar 5

  • nikola kmeťová

    nikola kmeťová


    Dry dry dry even piece of lemon! Tasteless

  • Francesco Rivera

    Francesco Rivera


    Breakfast could be better. Rooms are perfect.

  • Neil Robinson

    Neil Robinson


    Good hotel but food expensive compared to local restaurants/bars

  • Thomas Strebel

    Thomas Strebel


    Bar / food too expensive... rest very pleasant

  • Dr.Gn. Fil

    Dr.Gn. Fil


    Nice hotel in the city centre of Levice. Clean and good equipped rooms, but with bad working AC. Very kind and gently staff. Nice gym in the underground. Nice restaurant with good food. Good selection of wines. It's recommended to stay. I was very disappointed only in one thing - Coffee at the breakfast time; for the guest's self service there is available one automatic coffee machine which makes a disgusting coffee. In the same time, if you ask the staff for one normal coffee or espresso from the bar coffee machine, they will qently make it for you but with an extra charge. For my opinion this is completely unacceptable becouse we are talking about the 4 stars hotel and the charge for the breakfast is already 9 EUR/person.

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