Čáry-Máry Dobré Jedlo i Žilinský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietČáry-Máry Dobré Jedlo



🕗 åbningstider

3, Námestie S. H. Vajanského, 036 01, Martin, Žilinský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 155 536
internet side: restauracia.cary-mary.com
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Latitude: 49.0680092, Longitude: 18.9247686

kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Slastanova

    Tatiana Slastanova


    Good place to sit down w your friends and have fun.

  • Peter Beckwith

    Peter Beckwith


    Lovely little restaurant. Great coffee, excellent breakfasts. Serves cakes which look homemade. Also has a great wine menu. Came here for coffee and breakfast, good selection, friendly staff and nice atmosphere. Opening times are incorrect, I arrived at 9:30am and it looked like it had been open for a while. Best coffee place in Martin.

  • Melisandre Asshai

    Melisandre Asshai


    Fast service in English if it's needed. Prices are cheap although there's not too much to choose from. You can also grab a bite. On Wednesdays they host a Quiz in English with different prizes every week. Worth checking out!

  • Peter Streicher

    Peter Streicher


    What a great place to start a day! 😊 Thanks for tasty breakfast and great coffe. We will gladly come back 😉

  • benjamin chandler

    benjamin chandler


    One of Martin's hipper cafes. Good selection of drinks, especially the lemonades. The food in the restaurant is the best in town.

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