Congress Hotel Roca Kosice i Košický kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietCongress Hotel Roca Kosice


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117, Južná trieda, 040 01, Košice IV, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 55/685 41 27
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.697652, Longitude: 21.263437

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ri Ku


    I was here once. Very strange smell i a hotel.

  • ליאור קדוש

    ליאור קדוש


    Great reception and very kind stuff. The hotel is very clean and looks fency.

  • Honza Malcánek

    Honza Malcánek


    Nice hotel, comfy beds, small cold bathroom, but clean. Fine restaurant with rich breakfast. Good value for your money.

  • Anna Treščáková

    Anna Treščáková


    Comfortable rooms, high quality food and really nice hotel staff.

  • Ranen Feigin

    Ranen Feigin


    It is very close to the airport – 10 minutes drive. Hotel is renovated. Room was comfortable. We had an early checkout due to an early flight. They arrange for us breakfast to go to! We got a great service. Maybe it is one of the only places with air-condition in the rooms Slovakia.

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