Dom kultúry Zrkadlový háj i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietDom kultúry Zrkadlový háj



🕗 åbningstider

3, Rovniankova, 851 02, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/638 276 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1168138, Longitude: 17.1108733

kommentar 5

  • roxana apetrei

    roxana apetrei


    Nice, cosy place, but please, make an electronic system to be able to show the tickets by phone... we almost dont get inside because didnt have it printed!

  • en

    gustáv k


    Interesting events and if you like genuine communist architecture, a must see.

  • David Stuller

    David Stuller


    Nice place. Really comfy, but not good toilets or food

  • Adam Jusko

    Adam Jusko


    The venue was very nice. Food and organization as well, but the staff during the after party was absolutely mean. We had to leave an hour after the start of the party, because the staff of the DK locked our changing room and threatened us. Very bad experience with DK zrkadlovy haj staff.

  • Michal Sipocz

    Michal Sipocz


    Culture house, built in the 80's, has served well ever since. I go to the local cinema, the movie selection is good and the price very reasonable. The venue serves the whole community, having events, courses, workshops, concerts, etc. For children, youth, grownups and elderly. I would say a good example, and a part of local history.

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