Garden - Center for Independent Culture, N. O. i Banskobystrický kraj

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SlovakietGarden - Center for Independent Culture, N. O.



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Námestie SNP 16, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 907 628 127
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.73633, Longitude: 19.14373

kommentar 5

  • Michal Rybar

    Michal Rybar


    A truly unique place. Absolutely loved it.

  • Benjamin Kilbry

    Benjamin Kilbry


    The hotspot for alternative and artsy culture in Banská Bystrica. They have concerts and raging parties as well as day time event for the whole family! I have many a fond memory of Záhrada, both sober and otherwise.

  • Jan Druzbacky

    Jan Druzbacky


    Great place for cultural events especially live performance or concerts due to a team of professional sound engineers. Great choice of drinks at the bar and chill out atmosphere in the outside premises. Highly recommend!

  • Diane Turner

    Diane Turner


    amazing atmosphere, nice people, kind of an urban/trendy design meets beautiful garden, very good drinks, you can study, play, talk, go to concerts and do many more things here.. just great place

  • Juraj Mláka

    Juraj Mláka


    Informal place in the city center. Very relaxing. Interesting events. Good for kids. Staff at the bar nice but cannot handle too many people. Restrooms are so so. I wish there was a kitchen too, but good options are nearby.

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