Horizont Resort **** i Stará Lesná

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietHorizont Resort ****



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Stará Lesná 178, 059 60 Stará Lesná, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 52/785 12 22
internet side: www.horizontresort.sk
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Latitude: 49.1490426, Longitude: 20.284916

kommentar 5

  • en

    Miroslava Darvašová



  • en

    Andrea Seidlova


    Very nice hotel..clean and modern..delicious food

  • Juliana Zvadova

    Juliana Zvadova


    I was very nicely suprised byt this hotel resort. We spent wonderful prolonged weekend here. Staff was very nice, I couldn't find any negative point. Hotel room was big enough with separated toilet and bathroom. So when you are 2-3 women in room it is very practical to have 2 mirrors with washbasins 😎 Breakfast and dinner which we had very good too. Each person can find something. We had once also lunch, which was also on very good level. Wellness was nice cleanned and we had luck on Saturday morning where we were completely alone 😊 We tried also Hotel Sky louge - most beautiful part of our staying!!! I can only recommend it. Wonderful view,very relaxing,romantic... wonderful! Only one thing which I would change is lobby bar. Staff was briliant and very nice to us but the sitting there is not that pleasent - I would recommend to change the furniture and make it more comfortable. Put there more flowers, etc. I really couldn't find anything negative during whole staying. Thanks a lot for such wonderfull weekend

  • lana mizun

    lana mizun


    Book the VIP Sky lounge there, it's an unforgettable experience!

  • en

    Sacha Faller


    It is a family friendly hotel with entertainment for kids but in details it is not comfortable for strollers (no automatic doors, extra stairs on the floors when you have a room in the newer part of the building). Ski bus goes just in the morning and back in the afternoon - so no flexibility. The Spa is great with two different pools + an extra fancy private spa on floor 7 with outside whirpool on the roof which needs to be paid seperatly. Extra kids bed for the rooms is 50 € per night. Buffet for breakfast and dinner is ok, in peak hours it could be refilled a bit faster. Staff is friendly. Pretty cool is the hotel owned Ice ring in the backyard. You can rent ice skates and get equipment to play ice hockey.

nærmeste Spa

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