Hotel Ambassador **** i Košický kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietHotel Ambassador ****



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101, Hlavná, 040 01, Košice I, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 55/720 37 20
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7249063, Longitude: 21.2560729

kommentar 5

  • Virgil Tilly

    Virgil Tilly


    Nice, confortable and well located. The only negative point is the instant coffee at breakfast.

  • Richard Pircher

    Richard Pircher


    Nice food. Prices very ok

  • en

    andy diver


    Nice small hotel in the centre,nice staff and rooms.trying to book online is DIFFICULT

  • Christophe T.

    Christophe T.


    Nice room. Good and hearty breakfast. Little problem of water leak with the shower

  • Martin Večeřa

    Martin Večeřa


    The service at the cafe was not adequate to a 4 star hotel. It smelled of cigarettes even in the non smoking part. On the other hand, they have very nice and cheap private spa with whirlpool that is worth visiting. Although you are left in with no instructions. This is sort of funny. I give 2 stars for cafe and 4 stars for the spa = 3 stars in average.

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