Hotel Bow Garden i Nitriansky kraj

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SlovakietHotel Bow Garden



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2, Štúrova, 945 05, Komárno, Nitriansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 35/773 22 37
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.7600763, Longitude: 18.1235766

kommentar 5

  • tommy h

    tommy h


    It is a kind of quirky place but very pleasant. The garden is beautiful ivy and overhangs very comforting very quiet. There is a very small swimming pool more of a splash pool. had dinner the food was excellent the garden was great to sit in. Prices in Slovakia are very reasonable for our money a great place to stay. Be sure to ask about the schnapps

  • barb robson

    barb robson


    The rooms are spacious and clean. We have a small refrigerator, a TV and the room is air-conditioned. We ate at restaurant. The garden is beautiful, the food is excellent and the service is the best! I highly recommend this place!!!

  • Sarra Ben Yahmed

    Sarra Ben Yahmed


    Big rooms for a good quality/price. Nice patio.

  • Ildiko Faklya

    Ildiko Faklya


    Nice hotel, in a rustic, romantic environment. Friendly, helpful staff, good breakfast.

  • Robin



    Unusual hotel. Helpful staff. Nice food in restaurant. Made a change from a chain hotel. The bowling alley in reception was a surprise.

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