Hotel FIS i Vysoké Tatry

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SlovakietHotel FIS



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4028/26, K vodopádom, 059 85, Vysoké Tatry, Poprad, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 915 954 636
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Latitude: 49.1286987, Longitude: 20.0610734

kommentar 5

  • Vladimir Tomurka

    Vladimir Tomurka


    Excellent place to stay with family! Separate ski and boots storing rooms for free. 30 meters from ski lifts. Place is in the very center of all skiing activities. Excellent food.

  • Ladislav Vosáhlo

    Ladislav Vosáhlo


    Firstly, hotel is located in the hearth of Tatra mountains. Nice place for stay... Reception: Always helpful and friendly Staff: friendly and professionall Food: We really enjoyed the food -also own bees make honey cake absolutelly amazing Wellness: average but really helpfull when you return from hike or sky Accomodation: we stayed in bungalow, which cheaper version but it is really close to hotel fis(50m).ANYWAY, BUNGALOW REALLY NEED RENOVATION, but for short stay is okay. Wifi: not in bungolw but in lobby and hotel fis is it.

  • peter m

    peter m


    The hotel in beautiful location in the hearth of High Tatras mountains. Rather small rooms, services a little bit limited and prices on higher level.

  • Radoslav Tatarčík

    Radoslav Tatarčík


    Nice hotel amidst high Tatras. Excellent and always fresh food !!! Profesional personal. The hotel has 2 types of accommodation, new rooms or cheaper bungalows within 50m of the hotel. The hotel has own weightlifting gym, wellnes, sport multifunctional hall and 2 congress rooms Rooms are clean and every day were cleaning . Parking places are next to the Hotel and they are free for hotel guests. I think, that this hotel could be have 4 stars, not only 3.

  • Sam Bab- SVD

    Sam Bab- SVD


    Very nice hotel near the ski slope. It's a great place to have lunch, been here several times. 🙂

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