Hotel pod Sokolím i Žilinský kraj

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SlovakietHotel pod Sokolím



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Vrátna dolina, 013 36 Terchová, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 41/599 31 40
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.232656, Longitude: 19.034036

kommentar 5

  • Kristof Van Tricht

    Kristof Van Tricht


    Stayed in the hotel in summer. Location very good for starting hikes in the Mala Fatra national park. Rooms very small and basic. There's a bit of a cigarette smell throughout the hotel which is somewhat unfortunate. Quiet old accommodation. Included breakfast was good.

  • Ingrid Szabóová

    Ingrid Szabóová



  • Lukas



    The food choice is limited. The rooms are old style, the bathrooms are clean but very small and are very old. The wifi is poor, and doesn't reach the rooms, so you better have cellular data. The second floor has low ceilings, and head concussions are inevitable when waking up. The only positive thing here is the view, which is actually breathtaking, but otherwise if you're looking for a very comfortable place to stay, don't go here.

  • Dave Oskera

    Dave Oskera


    Moderate hotel, poor breakfast and very bad service, unpolite staff, waiter, chef and their friends were singing and playing music until 5am and woke up all guests, didn't stop after asking them to stop, very rude.

  • Stefan Durisek

    Stefan Durisek


    A 2 star hotel with 5 star service! It isn't fancy, it isn't the Hilton, but it is everything and more that you need in Vratna. The management & staff will bend over backwards for your every need. I cannot say anything bad, as you get what you desire, but they go above and beyond for anything. Don't expect anything, but you get everything. A smile and good feelings are throughout this hotel . PAP (POSITIVE ATTRACTS POSITIVE)!

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