Hotel Slovan *** i Prešovský kraj

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SlovakietHotel Slovan ***



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Tatranská Lomnica 46, 059 60 Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 52/784 77 77
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.168127, Longitude: 20.2745331

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adyantoine Mougin


    Hotel is mostly for families (big kids corner + animation team during holidays) Rooms from 1 to 3 floor are small/ just 4 and 5 th floor are good size. Wellness is ok: 1 inside pool and 1 steam sauna. Food is delicious. Good breakfast buffet and very nice dinner buffet. Location: not far from the skiing slope for adults and there is a skiing school just next to the hotel.

  • en

    Lysander Mckain


    For a 3-star hotel, this place is a marvel. Perfection for ski trips. However, do note that it's extremely family-friendly. There will be children. Lots of children running around and screaming just as you're relaxing in the hotel cafe with a glass of whisky. If it's a problem for you, reconsider. Otherwise, you probably will like it here. Especially if you travel with kids. Also, there are really interesting paintings by a famous Slovak artist hanging around.

  • en

    Lucas Chlosta


    An ok hotel with good location, nice rooms. Only 3/5 because of food variety, and really strange open hours for spa and restaurant, as well as bad internet quality.

  • matus meszaros

    matus meszaros


    super hotelik

  • en

    Bartolomej Urban



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