Jalta i Trnavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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58, Winterova, 921 29, Piešťany, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 33/775 31 11
internet side: www.danubiushotels.com
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Latitude: 48.5882507, Longitude: 17.836817

kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Kh

    Tatiana Kh


    Не было туалета в номере, убогая мебель. Номер сделан из бывшей палаты. Даже плитка есть и кран на стене. Рецепция работает ужасно. Оформление 20 минутЕдинственный плюс - хороший завтрак.

  • Igor Slobodnik

    Igor Slobodnik


    Príjemný historický hotel prakticky v centre na pešej zo zóne. Vzdialený cca 300 m od kúpeľného ostrova.

  • Savannah Arban

    Savannah Arban


    I stayed in this hotel for 2 weeks and paid a lot of money for my treatment. Upon arrival the staff were rude and did not speak very good English. Service was tremendously slow and poor. On the day I was leaving I asked the receptionist if they could send me up someone to help me carry my luggage down from my room to the reception as I am a 70 year old women travelling alone. I waited an hour for someone to come and help me and no one came, that hour became three hours and I was going to miss my flight so I had to carry my own 20kg luggage by myself. I strained my right shoulder pulling my luggage and I went to this hotel for treatment in my shoulder and back and instead left with more pain then when I left there, it was a waste of money.

  • love sun justiceova

    love sun justiceova


    One ugly place with super mean manager Ms Noskovicova a all front desk personal. Room was dirty, no possible to change, I cant get refund if I want to leave early because I dont like the hotel. It was said to me when I was booking this place there is four type of foods and one choice is vegetarian but when I sat down to order vegetarian, it was not on the menu because it was not cooked that day? I asked for later check out , answer no. I am loosing money for 3 nights stay but whatever I am happy to leave this suppose to be my health recharging stay but I ended up today in huge arguments because I could no longer take nasty and abusive attitude of the people. Oh and also to ad my points to my membership card was not possible???????? its danubius euro card poinst and it was also not possible. Ok Never again Danubius hotel group, no matter were you are located it was my last stay!

  • Miroslav Kralcak

    Miroslav Kralcak



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