Jurki - Hayton S.r.o. i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietJurki - Hayton S.r.o.


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4, Domkárska, 821 05, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/434 102 03
internet side: www.jurki.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.141718, Longitude: 17.169448

kommentar 5

  • Adem Ahmedi

    Adem Ahmedi


    Hotel di dimensioni modeste situato a circa 5 chilometri dal centro città. La posizione è scomoda dato che le strade per raggiungerlo sono strette e piene di buchi. La camera in cui ho soggiornato era poco pulita, senza tv e senza phon! All'esterno è anche abbastanza carino ma ci vogliono più servizi

  • Richard Lengyel

    Richard Lengyel


    Great place for the price. Don't expect anything special. The location is pretty bad by the way.

  • en

    Joanna Maryańska


    Basic and clean. A little too loud cause there is highway and trains close to the hotel.

  • Monika Bumbalová

    Monika Bumbalová


    You could hear trains all the time because they were next to the hotel.

  • en

    Lisa Page


    Nice basic and well priced hotel. Easy parking and clean rooms. About a 15min drive from the city centre though and public transport is pretty much non existent but it's only a €5 uber. Very nice staff who speak good English. A bit noisy as it's on the highway but the windows block most of it out.

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