Lidl i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Dunajská, 811 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 800 005 095
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1442778, Longitude: 17.1137542

kommentar 5

  • Olesya



    Not bad but not enough choice

  • Bryan SK

    Bryan SK


    [Update 2018] It is busy store short on staff. Checkout wait is long, restocking is way behind needs and empties are occupying aisles, baked goods are frequently sold out. On the other hand quality of products is better than in Tesco while price is usually cheaper. Lidl sells their custom or unknown brands, buying unknown brand is not any mistake here. [Older review and still valid]: Good grocery store in neighborhood. Friuts are ok, fresh bakery tastes good. Always crowded. Cons: Check out is 80% time understuffed (long waiting time at checkout). Anyway quite good choice in close up area.

  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young


    Coming from Scotland, this place was incredibly cheap and the food was lovely! Even the cheap alcohol was good, and being so close to our hostel it was a great convenience. Queues did tend to be rather long however, but that can happen anywhere so not a problem

  • Giuseppe Favale

    Giuseppe Favale


    This shop is located near the historical center and near the shopping mall my Bratislava. Just at the entrance is possible to find biscuits, chocolates and candies of good quality and good price. Inside there is also a little bakery with good fresh cooked bread and croissants. The place is clean, but the goods sometimes are not in proper order. Anyway considering the location, the prices and the please is good for daily shopping.

  • en

    Tomas Makovicky


    Used to love this place. Small and has interesting goods that you might have hard time finding elsewhere. A huge BUT here is how crowded the place is and extreme waiting lines. Self-checkouts would do this place good.

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