National Center water polo i Trenčiansky kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietNational Center water polo


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1, Hviezdoslavova, 972 71, Prievidza, Trenčiansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 905 879 001
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7102461, Longitude: 18.535573

kommentar 5

  • Veronika Stanova

    Veronika Stanova


    Loved it. Always. My son had few days in water..he was so so happy with pool.

  • Maria Klukova

    Maria Klukova


    Pools, dressing rooms and washrooms were clean. Staff was friendly. They have very few parking spots, but many bike racks where you can lock your bike. bike locks are outside the gated area. Indoor restaurant was closed. Outdoor restaurant had good selection of food, drinks and coffees. We can recommend the lemonade with pieces of lemon and orange. Kofola on tap (“Slovák version of Coca Cola) was cold and full of flavour. Beer on tap or in can is also available. Kids enjoyed the playground during swimming breaks. Kids pool goes from shallow to up to 81 cm. The large pool is 2.2m deep. Water in small pool is warmer than water in large pool. Several Life guards were on duty. Come early if you want one of the reclining chairs that are placed around the pool or bring blanket and you can set it up in the grass area next to the small pool. Bring your own pool toys. They have few noodles, but you have to ask for them. Over all good value for your money and a lot of fun for kids. We noticed that many people came in just to swim few laps in the big pool and they did not stick around for the whole day. The choice is yours.

  • Ingrid Vaneková

    Ingrid Vaneková



  • Vladimir Mikulas

    Vladimir Mikulas


    It was great, people, not crowded, nice bufet and clear water. Friendly prices, too.

  • Imre Pál

    Imre Pál


    advantage: good quality of water /size 25x33m, deep 2m, less of clorat/ potential: shower/ hair drying/ information over main entrance missing

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