Oxford Bookshop i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietOxford Bookshop



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9, Laurinská, 841 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slowakei
kontakter telefon: +421 2/526 220 29
internet side: www.megabooks.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.1437077, Longitude: 17.1106918

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Lesan

    Jennifer Lesan


    I come here almost every week--or at least once a month. It's a really great bookstore, boasting a wide collection of titles despite its small size. If you're looking for books to use in school, then this is the place to go. I especially appreciate their 'classics' section: a large selection of Oxford World Classics as well as some Penguin Classics and Collins Classics, among others. Prices are generally reasonable, and they regularly hold sales. Also, students get discounts on their purchases.

  • Hanif Hefaz

    Hanif Hefaz


    You have to order books if you want, as they do not have in the shop. But have mostly good English books.

  • Natali Goginashvili

    Natali Goginashvili


    Change the map of visitors with the one that has Georgia as an independent country and not as a part of Russia, prosim!!!

  • Benjamin Bergstrom

    Benjamin Bergstrom


    The book selection was a bit narrow, but it's still one of the best you can get in Bratislava.

  • en

    Gabriel Hudak


    Excellent range of books, you can order online too.

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