Petite Creperie - Pouličné palacinky i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietPetite Creperie - Pouličné palacinky



🕗 åbningstider

22, Vysoká, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slowakei
kontakter telefon: +421 902 240 857
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1489235, Longitude: 17.1110656

kommentar 5

  • Michal Daněk

    Michal Daněk


    Malinkatá schovaná bouda se skvělými palačinkami, na které se rozhodně vyplatí i chvíli počkat. Stylové místečko určitě nesmí přehlédnout milovníci pouliční gastronomie i dobrodružní cestovatelé.

  • Julia Bondor

    Julia Bondor


    The salty combination with eggs makes the crepes crispy and delicious. It's delicious and unique!

  • El Missy

    El Missy


    Great taste, friendly staff, a little more filling into my goat cheese chorizo one and this would’ve been a five star!

  • miroslava. kolek

    miroslava. kolek


    We came there one rainy evening. Very small street shop with window to the street. The adorable woman opened with a smile, French music and sweet smell flying outside and she made us happiness and Christmas in solid form: chocolate&banana and apple&cinnamon crepes. I couldn't wish for nothing more walking down the street stuffing my face with it. Just go and enjoy.

  • Martin Krivicka

    Martin Krivicka


    This is your happy place to go to. All pancakes made to order are delicious and fulfilling. Whether you want a salty snack or pleasure your sweet tooth (or both:)) you won't be disappointed. The only disadvantage might be the waiting time if you come on popular times/days, so plan your time accordingly.

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