Pizzeria Zvon i Košický kraj

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SlovakietPizzeria Zvon



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4, Zvonárska, 040 01, Košice I, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 55/622 56 89
internet side: www.pizzeriazvon.sk
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Latitude: 48.7189943, Longitude: 21.25987

kommentar 5

  • Fouzia Adjailia

    Fouzia Adjailia


    Awesome restaurant, Decoration is outstanding let alone the tasty Pizza with afordable price. I highly recommend it

  • Cyphar Hopkins

    Cyphar Hopkins


    Everything was spot on. Top notch service. Kooky decor inside but not too kitschy.

  • Jan Ondrisik

    Jan Ondrisik


    Just the right place if u guys search for very good italian food, and not crowded narrow street where u find your privacy...

  • en

    Giulia Bruno


    I’m Italian and this place definitely doesn’t serve Italian food! I’ve tried different dishes but...same result! Pasta is overcooked and pizza...well probably the worst I’ve ever tried. Nevertheless, the location is lovely especially during sunny days and the prices are cheap! Maybe it’s nice to go there for a glass of wine during summer but...wouldn’t recommend the food here.

  • Jakub Lokša

    Jakub Lokša


    This pizzeria is by far one of the best in Košice. It has a simple and clear menu with plenty of options. The food prepared is fresh and tastes great. This is one of the very few restaurants that can make Margerita pizza correctly without it being burnt or under cooked. If you want a no-compromise Italian lunch or dinner, I absolutely recommend this place. Prices are very reasonable for what you get.

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