Primatial Palace i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietPrimatial Palace



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2, Primaciálne nám., 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1439729, Longitude: 17.1096612

kommentar 5

  • Ivo Kovacic

    Ivo Kovacic


    Great historical building. Great place vor various social events.

  • Michal Macák

    Michal Macák


    Sumer residence of Archbishop of Estragon. One of the most beautyful places in Bratislava.

  • Elizaveta Kabanova

    Elizaveta Kabanova


    Nice place to visit! Dont expect anything magnificent like palaces in Vienna. This one is quite small, but still has many beautiful pieces of art and pretty interiors.

  • Bryan SK

    Bryan SK


    This place wants to be a flagship for local government and is frequently used for diplomatic meetings. It has also a museum section with the wall tapestries well-known story. Impasse it was well-known for public Wedding Place. All the patios are most of the day open for public free of charge and I suggest tourist to take a walk inside and have a look.

  • MineDanel 7953

    MineDanel 7953


    Well, very nice place for tourist visiting Bratislava. It is amazing, what can you see here. I really recommend.

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