Skupinová Terapia - all day bar i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietSkupinová Terapia - all day bar



🕗 åbningstider

20, Kollárovo námestie, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 948 857 763
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1498972, Longitude: 17.1118464

kommentar 5

  • Viliam Polakovic

    Viliam Polakovic


    Best place in the city center to meet, have a beer and good time with friends.

  • Juraj Kubričan

    Juraj Kubričan


    One of my favouritte pubs, good beers, good wines, good food, good liquor, it does get a bit full and noisy in the evenings, but does the job.

  • Sara Hruskova

    Sara Hruskova


    The staff are young people who are chaotic and cannot manage their tasks. We waited for our drinks for over one hour, despite ordering them twice. And we were not the only guests who faced this problem. This place needs to revise its staff and start managing it effectively. Otherwise it could be a nice cafe

  • en

    Radovan Bezák


    Great interior, comfortable, with very interesting selection of beer. Roast chicken was also very good. Place can usually be full in the evenings.

  • Adam Bajzik

    Adam Bajzik


    Atmosphere 4/5 Beer 5/5 Service 5/5 Food 5/5

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