Subclub i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Nábrežie armádneho generála Ludvíka Svobodu, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 903 776 633
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1407269, Longitude: 17.1020709

kommentar 5

  • en

    Richard Sinclair


    Great music is an understatement, and when I read beer prices where cheap I didn't expect it to be only €1.50 a pint of beer... was thinking it was going to be more like €3. What others say about door men, don't worry about it you pay them and then you go in, they probably just doing there job. Check out what music they playing first on website or facebook to make sure it's your taste, and you will have a banging time

  • en

    Konstantin Dunaev


    5 stars for music and atmosphere - tecno/hardcore. 3 for the location itself.

  • k rae

    k rae


    can be difficult to find (just follow the lasers!), and with an impressive tunnel down into the club, but a fantastic venue with some of the best music in the city.

  • Ricardo Marques

    Ricardo Marques


    Great place to enjoy some good music. A completely different location makes it even more unique

  • p g

    p g


    DEFINITELY ONE OF THE BEST CLUB. Still in the list of European top ten clubs. Every wknd different "alternative" music like DNB and very special and famous TECHNO and best ones you can ever hear. UNIQUE place (use to be a bunker). And be sure that you have there shoes which doesnt matter how they look because they could look like after all like after glastonburry fest!!! NO HIGH HILLS one of the reason is as well entrance way which is made of crushed stones!! There is as well fan page about it and its something like my shoes after SUBCLUB. 😁. And one more thing if there play famous djs be there early because this club have limitation for visitors!! TOP PLACE FOR CLUBERS.

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