Tesco i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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25, Panónska cesta, 851 04, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/682 433 49
internet side: tesco.sk
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Latitude: 48.1084, Longitude: 17.0967001

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amin Eisa


    There's no pizza hut anymore! Driving there was an uter waste of time!

  • Martin Linkov

    Martin Linkov


    The best TESCO extra in town. Very well stocked, full of promotions and discounts. Many services around - the key maker is not that good though ;)

  • Silvia brockman

    Silvia brockman


    it was definitely my last time I was shopping there. I just bought smoked meat today and at home I noticed that expiration date is april 2017! Its 1 year old, and this is absolutely unaccebtable!

  • en

    Michal Kosorin


    For me the best shopping place where you can find everything you need on a daily basis. When you know what to look for,you can save lot of money. However,I do not recommend it for quick shopping,only for large weekend shopping.

  • en

    Zuz Anka


    Open 24/7, you will find here basically everything you need for everyday shopping, from food & beverages to dresses, drugstore, stationery, toys, household supplies and decorations. In the front of building there is a big parking lot and inside there is also pizzeria, cafe, some services, rest rooms and some small specialized shops of different kinds. Tesco itself is nicely and modern equipped, features also self-paying cashines and scanners for fast shopping. There is fine choice of food, drinks, fruits&vedgies, also some international cuisine choices. Missing some fresh products, eventhoug there is station with meat and cheese,choice is very limited thought, mostly pork and chicken, almost no fishes and no seafood whatsoever.

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