The Beer House i Košický kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietThe Beer House



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Hlavná 30/54 04001, 040 01 Košice-Staré Mesto, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 918 807 999
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7215088, Longitude: 21.2570127

kommentar 5

  • Jakub Misko

    Jakub Misko


    Many beers. Good pizza. Right at square. In summer there is terrace outside. Some extra craft beers out of standard beer list.

  • Sergio



    Very nice place with a peculiar atmosphere. Ideal for watching games and hanging out with friends. Prices are also very nice

  • en

    Giulia Bruno


    It’s a nice place to go for a beer and some snacks. The staff are ok, polite enough. It’s located on Hlavná so definitely great location. Smoking is allowed inside. I think it would be better to convert it into a non smoking place. During summer, benches and tables are placed outside and that’s definitely the best period of the year to go there and enjoy a cold beer in a nice environment with a great view . To be fair, I would have given 3.5

  • Samuel Wilson

    Samuel Wilson


    Great atmosphere.. decent selection of beers!

  • Ramadhan Zulfikar

    Ramadhan Zulfikar


    Good pizza with nice beer selections. There are smoking and non smoking areas, which is good for those who needs to smoke. The music that is played is also nice, good place to spend the night.

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