Traja musketieri i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietTraja musketieri



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Sládkovičova 858/7 81106 Bratislava, 811 06 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/544 300 19
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1493497, Longitude: 17.1058776

kommentar 5

  • Lubos Somik

    Lubos Somik


    Nice place with good service, really enjoyed stay

  • Daniella Vincze

    Daniella Vincze


    Nice place with an unicue atmosphere. Delicious food and huge amounts.

  • Szabó Csenge

    Szabó Csenge


    Great! The waitress weared traditional clothes and one of them could speak Hungarian without shame. Cutleries, plates, glasses are beautiful. Meals are also very delicious

  • Zdeněk Nešpor

    Zdeněk Nešpor


    Just wow. We found this place simply by luck. Amazing atmosphere. Service was perfect, very friendly and professional. Food was absolutely incredible. Looks good, tastes good. Meat very tender and juicy. My only complaint is that some dishes are serious overkill, there is no need for so much food. And I'd like to see some vine selection since it's French restaurant. I don't really care for standard soft drinks like coke at this type of restaurant. But overall it's still very strong 4 stars. I hope I will come back someday.

  • Viktor V

    Viktor V


    Great 17th century themed restaurant located in cellar space. Kind staff dressed in historical clothes. Tasty dishes and fine wine. The prices match the quality of service.

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