Trinity Church i Staré Mesto

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SlovakietTrinity Church


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11, Župné námestie, 811 03, Staré Mesto, Bratislava I, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/544 151 06
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1462071, Longitude: 17.1067969

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edita Šarkienė


    There was no access to the inside...

  • George On tour

    George On tour


    Τhe church was built in the first half of the 18th century in the spirit of the Baroque style at the site of the former parish church of St. Michala. The pattern of St. Peter in Vienna. It was built by the Ritual of Trinitarians, consecrated to one of its founders, St. John of Matthew. The church has an oval disposition with a posterior axis and a concavely folded backdrop of the façade, thus incorporating the dynamic Baroque line. The church towers did not originally have the current low roofs, but the high baroque roofs, which are depicted in several city's old city towers. The oval church of the church is vaulted by a dome decorated with illusive frescoes by the Italian painter and decorator Antonio Galli Bibien (1736-1740). On the massive main altar of AG Bussi there is an altar painting depicting the founders of the St. John of Matthew and Felix Valois, how to buy slaves from Turkish captivity. The painting is a work of František Xaver Palka from the period after 1745. The statues of St. Agnes and St. The catarins on the sides of the altar are attributed to Bavarian sculptor Johann Baptist Straub.

  • Vincent Oliver

    Vincent Oliver


    A very ornate interior in this Baroque-style Catholic Church. It was built on the site of the old church of Saint Michael which was demolished in 1529 during the Ottoman wars. The design is thought to be copied from St. Peter’s Church in Vienna. It has a main altar with several side altars with the main portal richly decorated in Rococo style, celebrating the holy Trinity. The paintings behind the main inside altars are really amazing and need time to be appreciated. From 2003 to 2009 Church was the cathedral of the military Ordinariate of Slovakia.

  • en

    Borut Strlič


    Copy of the church in Vienna. Have a quick look inside if you are already passing it.

  • Leah Spasova

    Leah Spasova


    I like how European churches are so colourful and nice inside.. Do walk in to check it out.

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