University Hospital Ružinov i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietUniversity Hospital Ružinov



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6, Ružinovská, 821 01, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/482 341 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1549942, Longitude: 17.1521074

kommentar 5

  • Vanesa Rišková

    Vanesa Rišková


    Otras!!!!! Nechutný prístup, ľahkovážne myknutie plecom s odvrknutím: " My tu nie sme na poskytovanie informácií, choďte za vrátnikom." Lenže vrátnik tam nebol! Len posielanie z jedného poschodia na iné, neochota, absencia informačných tabuli a organizácie ale ZATO presne uprostred vestibulu TRAFIKA s cigaretami, tak neviem či to pre tých chorých pacientov má byt priorita, alebo to je realna priorita personálu. Koncentračný tábor!!!

  • en

    Richard Veme


    A professional staff and approach.

  • en

    Michal Melúch


    Prepare for trouble.

  • en

    Dax Rayden


    Absolutely incompetent and rude personnel. Better to be avoided. Head for the Kramare Hospital. Awful premises, absolutely overcrowded. As of 11/2016 - Intern clinic - 5 people in a room!!!

  • Casey Poe

    Casey Poe


    Got sick in Slovakia and had to go to the hospital there. I would not say this place is up to western standards. I was actually quite disappointed with the Slovak health system in general. Staff were rude and intrusive, and the hospital seemed quite dirty and under-staffed. I am not sure what I expected, but after so many years in the European Union, I really thought it would be more like Western Europe. We actually bailed on treatment and high-tailed it back to Italy where we got much better care. It is very affordable of course, with only a 1.99 Euro co-pay, but in Italy, care was totally free and of much higher quality. If you can avoid treatment in Slovakia, I would - if not - take a translator, because most staff do not know English. Perhaps they viewed us as clueless foreigners, but I am a permanent resident in Italy and my wife is an Italian citizen. We both speak multiple European languages - just not Slovakian! I guess we should not expect the whole world to know English, but how are we all supposed to communicate with each other - know 27 European languages?!

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