Urpin City Residence - Hotel Garni*** i Banskobystrický kraj

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SlovakietUrpin City Residence - Hotel Garni***


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5, Jána Cikkera, 974 01, Banská Bystrica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Eslovaquia
kontakter telefon: +421 48/472 35 11
internet side: www.urpincity.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.7339355, Longitude: 19.1469732

kommentar 5

  • Juraj Hrčka

    Juraj Hrčka


    Jednoducho, ale veľmi pekne zariadená izba. Parkovanie vo dvore hotela. Kúsok od námestia a múzea SNP. Kontinentálne raňajky.

  • en

    Roland Hause


    Reception nice room nice price ok but bed is no standard for people with problems with their back

  • Lukáš Tašár

    Lukáš Tašár


    Hoci sme tu strávili len jednu noc, určite sa sem vrátime znova... Personál na recepcii i v reštaurácii super👌.. Izba útulná a čistá. Výborná poloha hotela a zdarma parkovanie vo dvore..

  • تشریفات مجالس عروسی سفیر

    تشریفات مجالس عروسی سفیر


    The URPÍN CITY RESIDENCE apartment house - opened on November 1st, 2005 -is situated in the centre of Banská Bystrica, only five minute walk from the historical centre of the city and ten minutes from ,,Europa Shopping Center“. The hotel is surrounded by historical buildings like The Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, The State Opera and lots of other significant landmarks. (You can find many more interesting places in Surroundings). Due to its excellent location and high quality service standard, URPÍN CITY RESIDENCE provides ideal conditions for holiday or a business trip. Hotel URPÍN CITY RESIDENCE offers short or long-term accommodation in twenty-seven rooms of following categories: STUDIO - ECONOMY COMFORT COMFORT - STUDIO STUDIO - SUPERIOR We offer accomodation in modern designed but homey style rooms.You may choose either from typical hotel rooms or apartments furnished with fully fitted kitchens. The Café Bar at the URPÍN CITY RESIDENCE is the right place for your breakfast, coffee or cocktail enjoyment. The hotel offers facilities for education, training, consultation and other business activities in a conference room with a capacity of up to 25 seats. Our staff is committed to providing you a memorable experience with superb accommodation and customer service in URPÍN CITY RESIDENCE.

  • Viktoria Meszárošová

    Viktoria Meszárošová


    Úžasné ubytovanie, milí personál. Ale hlavne oceňujem prácu chyžných. Bola som vo viacerých hoteloch ale taká čistota ako tu nebola ešte nikde.

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