Vadas Thermal Sturovo Resort i Nitriansky kraj

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SlovakietVadas Thermal Sturovo Resort



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2, Pri Vadaši, 943 01, Nové Zámky, Nitriansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 36/756 01 11
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Latitude: 47.8017568, Longitude: 18.7166799

kommentar 5

  • alex gillies

    alex gillies


    Well worth the money especially if you're camping. Site was loud though and the place needs a bit of a facelift.

  • Hung Bang

    Hung Bang


    Very nice place to visit. Several pools to go dipping in, the thermal pool is lovely and relaxing. Some water slides and other activities to do. You can stay in the hotel or camp on site.

  • Robert Lal

    Robert Lal


    This is a great place to chill relax and enjoy if you on a holiday or a weekend break away. This is a great place for families couples singles and elderly persons who want to relaxing day or a few days or week out. There are areas for shopping eating and staying with different prices catered for different budgets. There are various water slides with different style catered for all ages. There is hot, cold and lukewarm swimming polls dotted all round and special pools for cheildren too. Definitely recommended. There are various heights for water slides catered for the whole family.

  • Martin Baculík

    Martin Baculík


    One of top destination in Slovakia to have fun with your kids as well as to relax your body.

  • Peter Trant

    Peter Trant


    updated from previous review below. Came back again two weeks later, everything was open and stayed open later. As I thought, it was not quite the season on our first visit. This is probably the best site we have stayed in and we have travelled all around Europe. Esztergom is close by and really worth a visit. They are building yet another pool, which looks amazing - The Oasis. They have different pools with different temperatures, one is like a bath which is so nice to chill out in. This is going to be our go to place for holidays, including weekends. Fantastic! Still have those sharp weeds in the sand courts though.... "Went there last weekend, alot of the attractions were not open but that maybe because its not the season yet. However at least make sure those that are open are prepared for the public - the sand courts were full of weeds. You can't buy bottled water anywhere. The toilets and showers were clean, the pool water was fantastic with lifeguards paying attention. The food concessions all closed at 6pm along with the pool which I found to be too early. We will go back to see what is like in the high season as it potentially could be fantastic for the whole family."

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