Wellness Hotel Diplomat i Žilinský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietWellness Hotel Diplomat



🕗 åbningstider

14, 1. mája, 013 13, Žilina, Žilinský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 41/555 53 33
internet side: www.hoteldiplomat.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.128198, Longitude: 18.6892199

kommentar 5

  • Igor Naverniouk

    Igor Naverniouk


    A great place to bring kids. They have a huge indoor pool, a free buffet breakfast that will put to shame most American hotels, a bowling alley, a courtyard playground, spa, and planned activities for kids. Within a ten minute walk, you have a wonderful park with minigolf and gelato. The locals say that Diplomat is the better hotel choice is if you are traveling with kids.

  • Daniela Slováková

    Daniela Slováková


    Nice nature, nice place, great meals

  • Peter Fabian

    Peter Fabian


    Nice hotel with great swimming pool...

  • Damjena Ostojic

    Damjena Ostojic


    Nice and small hotel, great for relaxation and holiday. Near local restaurants and market. It is really clean, cosy and quiet, the staff is friendly but does not speak English very well.

  • Tereza



    Friendly and helpful staff, very satisfying breakfast. In the spa there were one sauna and a tropical shower out of order, witch was a little disappointing, but fortunately there weren’t many people in the spa with us, so we still had some choice where to go. When the weather is nice, you have a beautiful view from almost all the rooms, thanks to stunning nature surrounding the town.

nærmeste Spa

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