Wild Elephants Hostel i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietWild Elephants Hostel



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8, Františkánske námestie, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 908 821 174
internet side: www.elephants.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.144289, Longitude: 17.107766

kommentar 5

  • Eric Scott

    Eric Scott


    One of the funnest and unique hostels ive been too. The common area really makes it easy to socialize as it has, chill areas, foosball, beer pong, and some dude who does legit tattoos. The friendly staff run daily activities such as trips to the lake. There's also a really awesome hostel dog (Rocco) who cruises around making friends. Full kitchen/laundry available, clean/comfy rooms, great location. Highly recommend

  • en

    Em Ge


    They have a puking menu (in the toilet is free, outside & in the hallway costs extra). They also have a daily open dinner, tip-based tours in the morning and a separate floor for late-night parties. All of these amenities are freely advertised, fair enough. Its true treasures are the details: The dorms are quiet, the bathrooms are exceptionally clean, given the conditions. The kitchen is well-equipped - and you'll need it, because the food ain't horribly cheap in Bratislava. Also ideal for early birds, because there's no shower line at 7. Best in class I would say.

  • en

    Jonathan Dell


    Staff are very friendly, not a typical hostel experience. Seems like half the people there are staff/volunteers. They plan excursions and daily and have family meals available as well as doing pub crawls every day. Seems like an extended stay could be a lot of fun however was only there for one night. Pretty standard hostel cleanliness, facilities and amenities.

  • en



    Great staff - always helpful and able to show some lesser known spots around town. While beds and linen seemed a bit old, everything was clean and very good for the price. Highlight for me was walking tour led by Steve!

  • en

    Amadeusz Bathelt


    Great atmosphere, really nice people, wasn't too noisy. Pity we didn't have time to socialize more and to use all the opportunities the hostel gives. It seems to be the perfect place for chilling out, traveling students. Like a paradise to live in. And the dog is so so so cute!

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