Zlaté Piesky i Bratislava Region

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietZlaté Piesky


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Zlaté Piesky, 821 04 Bratislava-Ružinov, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
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Latitude: 48.184452, Longitude: 17.1884402

kommentar 5

  • Angeliki Panagiotidou

    Angeliki Panagiotidou


    🏖️ The biggest lake in Bratislava. 🏝️ There is an entrance fee around 3€. The area is big. There are parking lots, grill area, area for kids also you can do some activities. There are two beach bars and a place for ice cream. If you want to do sunbathing than you have to go to Zlate piesky.

  • Bém Sam

    Bém Sam


    The biggest natural lake in Bratislava. Slovakia.. One side have park. Parking area.. WC.. Grill open place.. 2 restaurants.. Kids area.. Water slide.. There's an entry fees about 3€ The other side is a nude beach for free with a restaurant and big parking place.

  • Dávid Kovács

    Dávid Kovács


    Four stars because of the naturist beach. It's usually overcrowded but it's free and there are not many places like that in the area.

  • Daumantas Gaidelionis

    Daumantas Gaidelionis


    You have to pay 1€ for entrance and can't even eat your own food or drink your own drinks. Disappointed.

  • Vitaliy Burmistrov

    Vitaliy Burmistrov


    Nice and clear lake! Good for swimming, extreme fun, party time spending.

nærmeste Naturlige træk

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