Zvolenska europa i Banskobystrický kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietZvolenska europa



🕗 åbningstider

63, Námestie SNP, 960 01, Zvolen, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 102 907
internet side: zveuropa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.5794292, Longitude: 19.1255388

kommentar 5

  • Peter Dowling

    Peter Dowling


    The Europa in Zvolen is quite small due to delays of the extension it should have had 3 years ago. Most of what you need is in here as well as a cinema on the second floor

  • Libor Chovanec

    Libor Chovanec



  • Laurinka Valentíková

    Laurinka Valentíková


    There aren't too many shops and there are only some fast fashion shops 🙃

  • Renata Srokova

    Renata Srokova


    Is nice place for shopping. Some cofe and shops are nice, but staff in shops are grumpy and unfriendly. No smile on faces no welcoming atmosphere. They need to learn how to deal with customers. Toilets are terrible!!! Smell like in pig stalls. No paper, no working toilets, no soap disgusting.

  • Janči



    Shopping center in Zvolen. Not to be confused with shopping center Europa, located in nearby city Banska Bystrica. This Europa is smaller, with less shops and dining options. Personally, it does not gave me a good impression. Hovever, if you are looking for a specific store that you know is there, its definitely good. On topmost floor is cinema with selection of new movies. But thes are played like once a day.

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