Cafe Verne v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoCafe Verne



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175/18, Hviezdoslavovo námestie, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/544 305 14
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Latitude: 48.1418019, Longitude: 17.1075821

komentári 5

  • Martina Uhrinova

    Martina Uhrinova


    Great spot in the city center with artistic touch for interior and lovely teracce to main large square of Bratislava. Food is considered to be ok, I doubt if it is freshly made though. Atmosphere is fine, mainly architectural and art students have been visiting this place cos is situated undernearth the uni.

  • Radoslav Tomáš

    Radoslav Tomáš


    Very nice local restaurant and pub, you can get really sophisticated food here but also some dishes you know only from grandma's kitchens. In city centre, great summer terrace.

  • Jaroslav Polakovič

    Jaroslav Polakovič


    I didn't like it there mainly because of inattentive service and plain food. Café Verne features a really nice outdoors seating area in the shade of trees, but the list of positives ends there. The waiters were not professional and they seemed unable to service the place efficiently. We waited for 10 minutes only to tell someone we would like to pay. Then the check was literally thrown onto our table and the waiter went on with his business, leaving us to wait for another 10 minutes until we were at least able to hail another passing by waiter and pay them. Avoid this place, there seem to be better establishments around.

  • Marine Laurent

    Marine Laurent


    This really nice café offers a wide range of local dishes and drinks. It is particularly affordable, as so many places in Bratislava. We tried the two different types of goulasch they offer and they were really tasty. Another thing we loved is the decor of the place, cosy and full of Jules Verne allusion (books everywhere). Perfect for a chill night out with friends, family or for a date.

  • Joan Farjo

    Joan Farjo


    If you want to try good Slovakian food with crazy good prices, it is the place to go. The quality of food is amazing (but heavy a bit) and they are quite generous with the amount of alcohol :) The place has a very special vibes. Waiter is super friendly. Trust me, don't miss this place.

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