Hotel Devin v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoHotel Devin


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4, Riečna, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/599 851 11
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Latitude: 48.1400969, Longitude: 17.1072794

komentári 5

  • en

    Tomas Simovic


    For the past 60 years, hotel Devin has been the premier establishment in the city. If you look for an authentic experience and you want to sample old-time Bratislava charm, this is the place to go to (otherwise go to the bland Radisson next door). You will enjoy the carefully restored interior, great food, the most professional waiters in the country, nice rooms and an unbeatable location in the heart of the Old Town. We had a large and very complex wedding at the hotel and the experience was SUPERB.

  • en

    Ed Mansveld


    For business purposes a nice hotel. Had a refurbished room with single bed which was somewhat small but sufficient for one or two overnight stays. Breakfast very good choice. Nice spa. Value for money: high corporate rate but small room. Therefore only 3 stars.

  • en

    Louise W


    If Grace Brothers ran a hotel this is what it would be. Charmingly stuck in the past, super clean large rooms many with a view of the river. Staff are all friendly and efficient and the breakfast buffet has everything you could wish for. Would happily stay there again

  • Julie French

    Julie French


    Ideally situated on the bank of the river Danube. This retro hotel has clean, well kept rooms and furnishings. It's indoor pool and spa (at no extra cost) is amazing. I would definitely recommend this place. I would come again if visiting Bratislava!

  • Marko Tanaskovic

    Marko Tanaskovic


    Stylish hotel. Amazing view on the river. Flawless service. Spot clean. The staff will go above and beyond to help you with any issue. I would definitely recommend this hotel to anyone.

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