Loft Hotel Bratislava i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietLoft Hotel Bratislava



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4, Štefánikova, 811 05, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/575 110 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1518593, Longitude: 17.1072619

kommentar 5

  • Vladimir Ribakov

    Vladimir Ribakov


    Wonderful hotel I hold here my Traders Academy Club meeting, May 2018, and everything is really wonderful. Starting from rooms, and the food, the bar, the conference room. Really recommended Vladimir

  • Bird on a mission

    Bird on a mission


    This hotel felt like a people factory (like Wakeup Copenhagen chain) however if you can score for cheap ($100 or 81 Euro) it was a great deal. Room & bathroom comfortable size. Average cleanliness. Double entrance doors which kept out the hallway noise. The bed frame as previously mentioned might be on the flimsy side especially for sleep tossers, but we had no issue with it. Parking garage was onsite with easy elevator access. They really shout about the free minibar, which was 2 cheap looking beers, 2 small waters, 2 small seltzers, a can of Pepsi & bag of potatoes chips. Nothing to loose your mind over.

  • Michael Batts

    Michael Batts


    Amazing hotel right in the presidential palace. Good food and not to over priced for a beer! Great having your own beer on sight! Would defo stay again

  • en

    Paula Stevenson


    We was very happy when we arrived at the Loft although our room was a little more basic than the photos. The room and the hotel was clean and the restaurant and bar was lovely. We didn't sleep though, the bed moved away from the wall all night and we was constantly getting up in the night to move it back. We told reception when checking out and they didn't care at all just said oh really... :-( not very nice here once they have your money. Such a shame.

  • Mick McKigney

    Mick McKigney


    Excellent hotel. Rooms are good size, comfortable beds, nice bathroom. Breakfast has excellent range of choice and quality. The attached bar restaurant (Fabrika) is decent quality and range with top class beers. Less than 10 minutes walk to the historic city. Recommended.

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