Los Mexikas v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoLos Mexikas



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Františkánske námestie, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/436 381 59
web stránka: losmexikas.sk
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Latitude: 48.1443985, Longitude: 17.1080915

komentári 5

  • Lakerko



    You can't find more authentic Mexican restaurant in Slovakia (I guess). You can see the owners, working there. Cooking and serving tables. They are very nice, cute, you can see them having family dinner at next table. Food is good but I can't say it's delicious. And it's a bit pricey. The place is empty most of the time. Try it.

  • en

    Matt Pierson


    This place is great. Authentic Mexican food on the middle of Bratislava at decent prices. I hit this place up at least once a week. I highly recommend the tacos al pastor, though you can't really ever go wrong.

  • en

    Ricardo Mozo


    Mexican home cooking taste. Lovely owners and the staff! The Tacos, once you tried them you get addicted, be careful! Highly recommend this place. They've also got different style of Margaritas 🍸🍹

  • Gabriele Alejandro

    Gabriele Alejandro


    Delicious real Mexican food. Staff and chef are real Mexican who take great care in crafting your delicious food. It might need a little more time than in other restaurant to be served if busy but that's only because every single plate is prepared fresh with fresh Mexican ingredients. They even use a Mexican machine and Mexican flour to make their tortillas! Highly recommended!

  • Sarah H.

    Sarah H.


    Original place with nice food. It looks like that the restaurant is owned by family and they are all working there. They are doing their best to run it. The food was nice, a lot of coriander though and portions are not so big. Service is nice, only one waitress in the whole place but the food was fast. You can order in Spanish, English or Slovak!

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