Modrá Hviezda i Bratislava - Staré Mesto

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SlovakietModrá Hviezda



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14, Beblavého, 811 01, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Bratislava I, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 948 703 070
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.141663, Longitude: 17.103339

kommentar 5

  • Andreas Neokleous

    Andreas Neokleous


    The best food experience in Bratislava, by far. Local food, great view, great service and hospitallity. Note that it closes early on weekdays, at 22:00.

  • en

    Tt Fox


    Just arrived in Bratislava from Vienna and wanted something quick to eat. Because of the reviews we decided to have lunch here. We had a table in the basement, dark, but very nice. Enjoyed the food and service very much.

  • David Glover

    David Glover


    Solid but not spectacular. Had same quality food in Bratislava for better price.

  • en

    Francesco Piga


    If you visit Bratislava you must come here. This restaurant is tucked away like a hidden gem. The atmosphere is enchanting, and part of the restaurant is in a natural cave! The food is packed with flavour, cooked perfectly, ingredients are of top quality. Staff are friendly but still very professional and refined. We had the grilled cheese, the rabbit leg and the wild boar. I can’t fault it!

  • Sarah Bailey

    Sarah Bailey


    Oh this was such a lovely place to have dinner! Serving local food and only Slovakian wines, several available by the glass, this traditional restaurant is decorated with farm implements and actually carved back into the rock of the outcrop of the Little Carpathians that Bratislava's castle sits on. The rustic interior belies the really excellent, polished and sophisticated service and dishes that await you - my sheep cheese and pork belly dumplings were uniquely satisfying and the wine was first rate. I suggest to end the meal, as I did, with a glass of fiery local liquour before walking it all off around the nearby castle and taking in the views of Bratislava and the Danube.

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