Papichulo i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Americké námestie, 811 07, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 132 033
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1515647, Longitude: 17.1184458

kommentar 5

  • Vanja Tomic

    Vanja Tomic


    It's a nice little bar to have a beer or two. since it's a bit outside of downtown, don't expect a show here. During the week its not that busy. Also, we never recieved a bill, because the "register isn't working" - how strange. And you can't pay with card here :-/

  • en

    Yassine Fenniche


    I was quite dissapointed because people told me it was one of the best bars in Europe. However I have to say that it has an original and very nice setting. If you are looking for a place to drink quietly I would recommend

  • Michal Sipocz

    Michal Sipocz


    I would like to sit outside on the terrace. The park gives it a feeling you are not in the center of a town. Unique space, the underground used to be public toilets. Smoking.

  • David Nagy

    David Nagy


    The place is nice, but FYI there's smoking inside.

  • Miguel Machado

    Miguel Machado


    Every Thursday night they have a beer pong competition. The only problem is that it is a really small place so you must arrive early to have where to sit.

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