Roxor i Bratislavský kraj

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28, Vysoká, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 948 396 066
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Latitude: 48.1489727, Longitude: 17.1115622

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chi Lok Melvin Wong


    BEST BURGER IN THE WORLD! Came here casually to have dinner and the burger surprised me and my friends! Very tasty burger and freshly fried chips made our trip wonderful! Book in advance or you will miss the great food!

  • en

    maria agaoglou


    It's a small but really cute place. Nice music and nice decoration. It's quite busy so you can either wait till you find a place to seat or make a reservation. The burgers are amazing! Meat is super tasty. Burgers are big tasty and in good price (around 7euros +2 if you want fries as well) I definitely recommend it

  • Marcel Stranak

    Marcel Stranak


    No buns after 6pm. Never heard of buns reservations. Anyhow, place looks nice(got that hipster feeling, which you like or just ignore) , waiting stuff is providing great service and they have good sense of humor. Meals are not overpriced and drinks cost as usual for Bratislava.




    One of the beat burger joints in Europe! Found this place based on reviews and did not dissapoint. This is coming from 8 burger fanatics. We all had different burgers and it is safe to say it does not matter what you pick it will be a winner. Yet to find a tasty burger like Roxor burger! Worth a visit when in Slovakia!

  • miroslava. kolek

    miroslava. kolek


    One of the best burger restaurants in Bratislava (consider that there may be just about 5 of them worth mentioning). They have just 4 burger, from which I have tasted 2 and both were great. Full taste, meat was very fine, interesting combinations. The bun seems to be handmade and IS delicious (normally I eat just the lower part of it, well... not this time). They have two kinds of fries, thyme and pepper ones, both fantastic. Basically from the drinks we and dips to burgers, they nailed it. I especially liked that they have limited number of buns and meat, which sucks when you come at 5 pm and they are literally sold out, but the idea of no waste is very appealing to me. The waitress is very cheerful and gives the place its own special homey atmosphere. Definitely go and don't forget to get a reservation!

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