Spin Coctail Bar i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietSpin Coctail Bar


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1, Radničná, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421
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Latitude: 48.1433093, Longitude: 17.1094217

kommentar 5

  • en

    Iuri Lasagni


    Probably the best cocktails in Bratislava. Nice personnel and ambient. Only cons itbis small.

  • en

    Isaac Gill


    Charming hole-in-the-wall cocktail bar. Boutique experience; beautiful, hand illustrated menus, proffesional and friendly staff. Undoubtedly the place to be for a quiet couple's night out on a weekday.

  • en

    Sebastián Foltín


    This is my favorite bar. Amazing bar with amazing staff!! Very good prices in classic atmosphere. Only one pop up bar in Bratislava.

  • en

    Kamil Błasiak


    Amazing and breathtaking place. Great design, skillful and kind stuff, great variety of original drinks with greatest ingredients. Definitely the best cocktail experience in Bratislava! Can't miss it while being here.

  • en

    Daniel Locke


    What has been said here is all correct. Nice concept. High prices for the region, but definitely worth it. Good recommendations. The two of us asked for a classic they don't have on their menu (Whiskey Sour) and they served us two different particular versions of it. Both were good.

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